Jarrod; ‘ The greatest gift we can give a child is by sharing the gospel of salvation to them made possible by Jesus, through His life, death, burial and resurection and by giving them an opportunity to receive Him as their Lord and Savior. I believe that children are our most precious and valuable gift.

We need to reach out to children and encourage them to dream big, have a purpose in life and work hard towards that goal, despite the opposition they may face. With teachers and mentors who can encourage them and a team around them to support them, then the sky is the limit to what they can achieve. Human history is filled with countless examples of men, women and children who once came from families where they were bullied, looked down upon and told that they wont amount to much in life. But by the calling, gifting and grace of God, look what great things they have achieved. Many are our hero’s, inventors, innovators, role models and champions in life.’


Reaching the young

Young children have an amazing amount of potential and purpose yet sadly when the challenges and hardships of life come, they are distracted and make bad decisions that lead them down the wrong path. It is our hope and intent to bring them back to live a life of purpose.

When the young receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior they receive a teacher, a companion, a healer and a best friend for the rest of their lives, Jesus is the best gift we can give them. 

Reaching the elderly

We owe a generational debt of gratitude to these men and women that literally built our world. They built our roads and buildings, our schools and infrastructure. But they are far to often disrespected, put in a convalescent home somewhere and forgotten by family and this world. During school holidays, our teams visit these precious people and thank them for the great contribution they have made.

Standing at the door of eternity the elderly are the closest to reaching their final destination...so we go and preach with urgency giving many of them their final opportunity for an eternity with Jesus.

Reaching the poor

No one gets to choose the family and city or town that they are born into. Kids born into these areas, when our team asks them what they want to do when they grow up respond with professions like, ‘I want to be a doctor, I want to be a business’’ person, I want to be an astronaut. “It’s very emotional when you hear these responses as you think how this could ever be as their financial situation seems bleak. Yet if you are smart and hard working you can achieve your dreams.

Father God is close to the broken hearted and poor in spirit. We understand the power of the gospel to impact and forever change, heal and restore the broken hearted, poor and down trodden. An encounter with Jesus changes lives forever.